Thumbnail Thursday Day 3 - Powellite

Thumbnail Thursday, Day 3


The third installment of Thumbnail Thursday is a beautiful specimen of Powellite. This material is very rare from this region and was found in only two locations in this mine. Because this specimen was found in mine tailings, we cannot definitively say which of the two locations this particular piece came from. The literature indicates that specimens from Shaft #8 exhibit a pale blueish green translucence, a characteristic that this piece has. It’s also wonderfully fluorescent under shortwave UV light. I received this piece as a gift from my friend, Santiago Aguerrevere who collected it in 2023.

A thumbnail sized specimen is generally regarded as one that's between 25mm and 35mm and can fit inside a standard sized, 1.25" Perky box. I sell a variety of perky box products here at I also sell filtered UV flashlights here.


South Hecla Mine

Houghton County, Michigan

Collection Number: TN24.0060


Micromount Monday Week 4 - Manganite on Quartz


Micromount Monday Day 3 - Epidote & Pumpellyite